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At seven years old, he was running around licking rocks because he really wanted to be a geologist.


Then he picked up a camera and started running around school as official photographer.​


After trying his hand at 3D, editing, and videography, he finally cut his copywriting teeth at a production house while he completed a BA in Psychology and graduated top of the Film Studies programme. 


Joshua believes you gotta zag a little before you zig a lot. 


Today, he enjoys psychoanalysing clients and target audiences to find the right combination of alphabets that'll make them get up and start grooving.


​When he's not at his desk, he's often very far away from it. 


He's trekked up to the Mount Everest base camp, from which he nearly didn't come back down (spoiler alert: he made it).


He's travelled from his home in Singapore to the banks of the Neva River in Saint Petersburg, Russia, without taking a single airplane.


He even travels back in time - he spends weekends at a historical martial arts school, practicing a 600-year-old fencing tradition from medieval Germany. 


He has hundreds of stories to tell, and thousands more to write.

But he genuinely cannot start without taking a walk first. 


Joshua's been moving since he could run, and he's not slowing down any time soon.


 Hogarth Worldwide Singapore



Singtel • Yale-NUS College • National University of Singapore • Ministry of Sustainability And The Environment • Singtel • MOH Holdings • National University Hospital • Tan Tock Seng Hospital • Make-A-Wish Singapore • Agency for Integrated Care

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